BBQ Ribs-Season

Cooking Time: 7 minutes
Appliance: ABG-Prep Bowl-Large
Gives: ABG-Rack of Ribs [Seasoned]
Servings: 2
ABG-Rack of Ribs [Clean]
ABG-All Purpose
ABG-Pimento Berries
ABG-Jerk Paste
ABG-Black Pepper
ABG-Dried Thyme
ABG-Onion Powder

BBQ Ribs

Cooking Time: 17 minutes, 5 seconds
Appliance: ABG-Oven Tray
Gives: ABG-Cooked BBQ Ribs
Servings: 1

Jerk Ribs

Cooking Time: 16 minutes
Appliance: ABG-PorkRibs
Gives: ABG-Jerk Ribs
Servings: 2